How Can I Sell

When joining Tradesource, members are provided with the knowledge and procedures necessary to conduct a successful trade campaign. In addition, Tradesource works to promote members’ product and services in a variety of ways to maximize their sales.

Members are assigned a trade broker who will actively promote the member’s products or services in the trade marketplace (much like an account executive) and aggressively seek business-to-business trade opportunities. Watch this video to learn how members manage their trade sales.

Review these additional ways that members can promote their businesses and sell their products and services.

  • Member Website – A member website is available to publish a customized Member Profile and Marketplace Ads.
  • Mobile Application – New members, member offers, and restaurants are featured on our mobile application giving your business more exposure.
  • Communication Tools – Members are featured in our email blasts, newsletters and monthly Tradesource Magazine.
  • Networking Mixers – By attending monthly Mixers, members can give a brief description about their business during introductions.
  • Tradesource Groups – By joining a local Tradesource Group, members can network with member and non-member businesses.
  • Business Referrals – Members are encouraged to network with fellow members and refer them to their trade and non-trade clients.
  • Tradesource Blog – Members are featured in short blog articles about their business which will bring more internet traffic.
  • Social Media – Members can connect on these platforms to network and promote their businesses in posts and tweets.

Barter Expo

Tradesource sponsors an annual Barter Expo for members during the Holidays to enable them to sell their products and services. Each year, the event is bigger and better and than the year before. Tradesource’s motto is “Santa Never Pays Cash”. Watch this short video about the Holiday Barter Expo.

Tradesource is determined to help members become successful at trade when they join the trade exchange. The various way in which they promote a member’s product or service speaks to this goal.

Have questions about the products or services you are interested in selling? Request a personalized demonstration of the Tradesource trade exchange to see how businesses like yours can benefit from trade. If you are ready to begin today, simply click the button below.

[sexybutton size=”medium” color=”red” url=”” icon=”noicon”]REQUEST A DEMO[/sexybutton]          [sexybutton size=”medium” color=”green” url=”” icon=”noicon”]JOIN NOW[/sexybutton]


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