Holiday Bonuses Are Easy With Tradesource Barter

picture1Even if the economy isn’t the best it’s been in years, you still want to make certain your employees are taken care of and rewarded for a job well done. Members of Tradesource understand that and also understand that with barter certificates they can reward employees with holiday parties, restaurant certificates and more.

With the Tradesource Holiday Expo a little more than a month away, employers should start planning now for items to shop for whether for an employee holiday gift or for a holiday office party. From clothing to jewelry to power tools, computer equipment, flowers, candy, certificates for massages, trips to the beauty salon and more, the Holiday Barter Expo is the best place to begin your holiday shopping for friends, family and colleagues.

The Holiday Trade Expo is an ideal way for Tradesource members that have excess inventory items to have a table and get your name, products and services in front of a large audience of Tradesource members.

Mark your calendar for December 1 and the Tradesource Expo. Call the office 602.996.1557 to secure your table.




